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about us

My name is Nicole and my son’s name is Gander and my daughter’s name is Harbour. They are the reason for Salt and Pine. Everything about the shop was developed with them in mind. We are very outdoorsy and minimalist (when we can be). I love having my kids be kids and get their clothes dirty. The main reason for SP was to have clothes made for them that they could wear for everyday and get dirty! I also wanted the clothes to be cute and my style. The shop has grown so much and I’m learning so much about myself and what I want for this shop. The kids and I also rep for a few shops and absolutely love it. We also support shops even if we don’t rep for them and will do our best to get pictures anyways! Photography is a huge passion of mine and love talking “shop” with anyone.I am a stay at home mom first and foremost, a small shop owner and supporter, an artist, a partner, and a human who just wants to enjoy a passion!
I appreciate all of the support and love from all of you and welcome to our story! Let’s keep growing TOGETHER! 🌊 🌲

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